Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hangin' Tough..... Are You Tough Enough?

Yea, that is right... You did see that the title was the lyric to one of the BEST... no wait THE best boy band of all time. :) I mean, I am sure you all know what is coming right? NKOTB baby! I am not even joking (seriously people, I've got a straight face here), I saw them in concert last night. You might be wondering how I was able to travel back in time to see the New Kids in action but seriously (again with the serious straight face), they are touring, and I saw them... Ahhhhhhhh!

Not only were they back, they were the same ol' Boston Boys I loved SO much when I was 9 years old. Talk about flash from my past... they WERE my past. I was so in love with Donnie (I am such a sucker for the bad boy) and I wanted to be his Cover Giiirrrlll (oh oh oh... oh oh oh). You know this unhealthy obsession teens and tweens seem to have with the Jonas Brothers... ok yea, times that by 10, throw in that NKOTB could kick the crap outta those Jonas wanna bes, and smother it in a little early 90's ridiculousness... and you have my love for the New Kids on the Block. To say the least I was excited.

They sang some of their new songs, which I was surprised to find that I liked... But honestly... It was all about the old jams. Who remembers songs from 15 years ago... um their fans do. Ha ha. I think every one of those girls in the arena were singing along to Right Stuff and Please Don't Go Girl (which Joe did do in the highest falsetto I have ever heard in my life)! It was great. And they seemed genuinely pleased to sing them. They were into it... even though they are all nearing 40 (Jon is actually turning 40 on Saturday.... whhhaaatttt?!?!?!) . I screamed like I was 9 again and sang without shame while they danced like they had just stepped out on stage in 1992. Oh oh weoh oh.. the right stuff.

I have to stop for a moment... and just touch on something... that really was.... the defining moment of the show. Anyone who knows me knows that I get uncomfortable during embarrassing situations. I mean, sit me down in front of 'The Office' and watch me avert my eyes from the TV.... I cant TAKE it! So... ok... imagine mid way through the show... we are in the dark waiting for another hit to be performed and up comes Jordan Knight... on a platform... in a white shirt... with a wind machine. Ok ok... So I am already not believing the cheese factor of this... but then... what does he do? Um he throws his shirt open and sings.... I'll Be Lovin You... Foooreeevvverrrr.... I could not... It's just... I mean... yea... Its a mental image that will be with me.... forever.

Oh, and yes, they did do Hangin' Tough... and we did all wave our hands in the air... but you would have too. I am telling you, best boy band ever. I think I will swallow my pride and actually listen to their CD, just because I love them (and Donnie) so much. But don't be surprised if I slip in their old CD to bring me back. Oh, and I will leave you with a scream for the road... Ahhhhhhh!

1 comment:

  1. Ummm yeah BEST. CONCERT. EVER. Can't even explain the awesomeness that was (and IS) New Kids on the Block. I heart Donnie with every fiber of my being... I think that's one of the reasons why you and me are friends. ;)
