Sunday, October 26, 2008

Help, Strangers!.... I Need An Adult....

Why, oh WHY(!), do we subject ourselves to this kind of torture. I am of course talking about horror films. And no... I am not some weak minded wuss who is afraid to say BloodyMary 5 times into a mirror (although... I will admit to doing it and running from the bathroom in elementary school, not bothering to stop and see if she would actually show up. I am NO fool.). Some movies are just made... well... too true to life and give me the creeps!

I watched one tonight (for the second time I might add) and I am honestly afraid to have my window open tonight. 'Strangers' is a film that just catches you completely off guard and leaves you with such a feeling of unease through to the end. It can NOT be good for your heart. About 15 minutes into the DVD (which was Blu-Ray of course, adding to the realism) Michael looked like he had had about enough and was practically sitting on me... like I would be able to save him or something. Ha! In hind site watching the movie at night with no lights on was probably not the best idea but it was good ambiance and who can turn that down. I tell ya, I will never look at a "summer house" the same way... no thank YOU.

To be fair... even though the movie left me too scared to take my dog out to "water the grass" I would still say it was a good time. I mean, how many things are there in life that really bring out a reaction or make you feel something. I would rather not feel like I was going to have a heart attack, but at least it was something. Two thumbs up for Tyler's screaming abilities... she has got some pipes (Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree).

If you are looking for something to bring that certain... oh, how would you say... deathly scared feeling to your Halloween then be my guest. No really, be my guest because I will NEVER watch that movie alone... ever!

scare junkie
noun: Those addicted to the adrenaline boost of being scared. This can be shown by having an abnormal love of horror films, seeing a scary film an abnormal amount of times or going to a place / doing something you know will scare you... abnormally.
Pete: Yo, that Texas Chain Saw Massacre was pimpin
Smithy: Cool
Pete: Damn straight COOL, I seen it 8 times


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